How to overcome insecurities on social media (as a business)

Let’s talk about what to do if you’re feeling super insecure on social media as a business owner, especially if you’re doing your own social media.

I spent most of my adult life as a TV producer behind the scenes, so I did a lot of coaching reporters and anchors to get the right shots for TV and social media. We went viral A LOT but more importantly we built COMMUNITIES of people with our content.

Now I teach businesses how to create social media content for themselves.

I had to step OUT FROM THE SHADOWS to be on camera for my OWN BUSINESS so I KNOW how hard this is! (IT’S REALLY HARD!)

So if being on camera does not come naturally to you – OR you are great at it but you have some off days, here are some ways to still get content out there! 

1. Do faceless videos. Every week I release faceless video options and prompts and trending sounds to go along with them. This looks like maybe video of your product, video of your shoes walking, video of your coffee cup, video that is completely unrelated to your business – but is a part of your life or a peek behind the curtains. 

2. Shoot EXTRA VIDEO when you’re in the mood. In TV we call this b-roll. Bank this video for a rainy day. When you are in your store or office, shoot 6-10 seconds of different angles of your products or services. 

Here’s a short list to get 6-10 second shots of (Do this especially for your visual products.): 

– Wide shot of your product (static shot)

– Close up of your product from the side (static shot)

– Close up of your product from the top (static shot)

– Pan from side to side slowly (6-10 seconds so it can loop)

– Pan from top to bottom slowly. 

– Put your phone on a tripod and take video of you working (static shot)

– Take various shots of you putting something together, creating something, or packaging something up for shipping. You can use this to do a voiceover for a tutorial or talk about something important to you. You can also use it for time lapses or slow-mos! These do really well!!! These can be paired up later with trending sounds or longer storytelling videos with voiceovers. 

3. If you’re ENTIRELY uninspired, create a bank of meditations or really good motivating youtube videos or music you love that gets the creative juices flowing. Sit with that until you’re inspired. Often I get about 10-20 minutes in and the inspiration just starts FLOWING! 

4. BE CAREFUL ABOUT SCROLLING FOR INSPO. It COULD WORK when you’re just uninspired, but when you’re feeling insecure this could actually HINDER the creative process. At least, that’s what I’ve found.

5. Look at your DAY and treat the time of day when you’re most inspired like GOLD. I promise you if you don’t, the window will pass and the day will take over and you WON’T POST OR SHOOT VIDEO AT ALL. Time blocking is great for this. See how many videos you can shoot in 30 mins. Post AT LEAST ONE and stick the others in drafts.

6. CAPITALIZE on your most creative times. If you are feeling super creative GO WITH IT. DO NOT LET THE MOMENT PASS!!! CREATE UNTIL YOU RUN OUT OF IDEAS! 

7. Get dressed in the morning with the GOAL of shooting videos. If that means you have a special shirt in mind or like me you put on your special HD makeup lol (my husband always says to me – oh you’re dressed and you have your video makeup on you must be shooting videos today lol) but when I do this, it makes me NOT WANT TO pass up the opportunity (because sometimes i work in pjs and no makeup right…)

8. Create a spreadsheet of ideas to choose from for when the mood strikes. I have a mini course on how to create a year’s worth of content for your business that TARGETS your ideal audience – I put this together as a service for my coaching clients but if you want it you can find that HERE

9. Create content from a heart-centered place. When you create from the highest vibrations (love, joy, appreciation, empowerment, passion) you ATTRACT your ideal audience. People can FEEL through your content. 

So conversely, if you’re projecting fear, insecurity, doubt, your audience will feel that too. So try and get yourself to a higher vibration to create and deliver. 

One thing I like to remind myself about is: You are the answer to somebody’s prayers! And IT’S NOT ABOUT YOU – IT’S ABOUT THEM! When you focus on SERVING your audience, you will attract them to you! 

10. TRY AGAIN TOMORROW. We all have these days I call them “try again tomorrow” days. These are the days that are just really really hard days. And video is just not going to happen. That’s ok. Give yourself some grace. 

Hope this helps! 

PS Join my FREE Content Creation and Collaboration for Businesses and Social Media Managers Community! It’s for businesses, content creators & and social media managers who want to collaborate on ideas, content, industry news, trending topics, and tips! To Join, CLICK HERE

PSS Grab this mini guide on how to create a year’s worth of content that lures in your ideal audience