
Instagram’s new feed changes are live to EVERYONE’S excitement!

Instagram announced it’s making changes to its feed and you can see posts in chronological order again! You will have a “favorites” feed, which will allow you to favorite up to 50 accounts, and a “following” feed, which will be in chronological order as users have been requesting, for … well, forever.

Instagram made the announcement today and if you don’t see it in your home feed yet, you will soon. Here’s a look at what it will look like when you get it and where it will be located:

You can watch the full Instagram update announcement here. Here’s the description everyone has been waiting for. Are you ready for it?

“See the latest posts from accounts that you follow, in the order they were posted.” YAAASSSSSS! This is instead of all the algorithmic gobbeldy gook that we have been toying with for the past however many years. Although that will still exist in the home feed, you will have more control over seeing the content you want from the people you want to see it from in your Following and Favorites feeds.

Also, the “favorites” feed will be kept private, according to Verge. I’ll keep you updated on how this affects your business and your business’ content over time! Make sure you’re on my email list and following me on IG, (PUT ME IN YOUR FAVORITES!) TikTok, and FB.