How to connect with your customers on social media

There’s a real mindset shift that you have to make when creating content as a business and it’s a really hard one to make. It’s not intuitive for a lot of people! 

Here are some of the examples of what I see businesses are struggling with (and why their content ultimately flops): 

  1. Talking about themselves, their awesome product and their sales ALL THE TIME. That’s like being at a party and never asking a single question about the person you’re talking to. We’ve all been there, right? We can’t wait to run away or “go find the restroom be right back.” (lol) Social media is like that. It’s like the afterparty where you don’t have to be so buttoned up and serious and you DEFINITELY want to make sure you’re talking WITH your people rather than AT them.
  2. Speaking in terms your customer doesn’t really understand or goes right over their head. They are looking to you, the expert, to do it, many of them don’t want to know what “specs on the rotary girder” mean. (Tommy Boy reference) They just want it fixed. Obviously there are exceptions to the rules here but the general population wants to turn to the expert and TRUST that they know what they’re doing. Building trust is so big, but in a CONVERSATIONAL way.
  3. Not meeting them where they’re at. That’s where different styles of content come in handy. Joking around and understanding their problem. Tips to help them fix it. Tapping into their feelings at whatever stage they’re at.

Yes, it’s a COMPLETE MINDSET SHIFT when creating content. Many businesses think they have to “advertise” on social media. But successful social media is really about the person on the other end receiving it.

It just takes a simple tweak and poof! You have way more content ideas than you’ll know what to do with.

If you want to know exactly how to dial into your customer’s psyche so that you can create better content moving forward, I made resource for you. GRAB IT HERE.