
The #1 thing missing from most business’ social media

This is the #1 thing you’re missing from your business’ social media presence. Hands down. Look no further.


I want you to stop what you’re doing and go look at the Facebook pages of some very large businesses and scroll (and prepare to be entertained.)

I’m talking about Wendy’s & Chipotle.

Before you say you don’t have the budget that businesses like Wendy’s and Chipotle do, let me explain to you how their simplicity absolutely RULES.

Now, Wendy’s has always had a hilarious presence on Twitter (X), where it ROASTS people and other brands, that’s been Wendy’s persona on THAT platform for years…. But Facebook is a whole ‘nother game.

How can I explain this to give you an accurate picture? OK…I’ll just show you.

You know that relative on Facebook who writes in ALL CAPS with typos and sometimes you can’t even make sense of their post at all because it probably wasn’t even supposed to be a post – it was just some text they were looking upthat they typed into the status bar instead of the search bar or google? (I have a relative like this. We all do.) This is Wendy’s Facebook persona. (Different platforms, different voices. It depends on who their target audience is on each platform!)

Who even is Deb? And there’s someone named “Wendell” who posts on there too… But it’s a kind of an unhinged chaos that keeps people coming back. And they talk about their products without talking about their products.

For Wendy’s’ account, it’s as if their great aunt and sometimes their grandpa has taken over the page AND IT’S HILARIOUS. They’re just busy getting in there and engaging!

Chipotle shares a ton of memes and what they both have in common is that they RARELY – IF EVER – post about their products in a direct way….

And if they do it’s as if your friend or rando is posting about it.

It’s funny and relatable.

It’s a HUGE DEPARTURE from what almost every business believes social media should be: posts about their business that look like ads.

We are flooded with ads every single day. In fact, you can whisper about a product and it will appear on your phone (You can tell me it’s not a thing but it’s happened to me more times than I can count and I don’t know how they do it but they dol…)

But no one wants to see ads. We’re inundated with them.

They’re certainly not going to get engagement as organic social. And in fact, because they won’t get engagement, they’re going to get BURIED by the platform algorithms.



And I’m writing like my great uncle in all caps because it’s true.

I’m not saying “be Wendy’s” but I am saying WHAT WORKS ON SOCIAL MEDIA IS BEING A HUMAN NOT A COMPANY.

The person you are when someone walks in the door and you want to help them. Or the person who receives the call when someone is struggling. Or the person who wants to make someone laugh as a pick-me-up.

And the platforms WANT good content to look like it’s posted by family and friends. Not overly produced and too polished. Facebook even TOLD me that friends and family posts make it into the algorithm first, so then, as a business, you’re competing with EVERYONE ELSE. So it’s up to you to LOOK like a friends/family post and/or stand out and not look like an ad.

I promise when you make that shift in your mind from “me me me” to “them them them,” it will reflect in the performance of your posts.

So find a way to relate to your ideal audience in that way.

Tell stories.

Make jokes. (non-political/non-religious)

Get a little personal (you don’t have to post TMI to be personal and connect!)

Voice divisive opinions (on non-political/non religious issues – think “I put peanut butter on both pieces of bread AND THEN THE JELLY” type of divisiveness.)

Drop truth bombs about your industry and become a trusted leader.

Talk about your philosophies and what you care about.

BE HUMAN FIRST. Business second.

Besides, buildings and products aren’t social. (They can’t talk.) Humans are social.

So insert some humanity into your feed and watch it start to take off!

If you can’t quite wrap your mind around this and want guidance on how to build social media post topics for your business, grab my mini masterclass here (that will help you build 365 topics!) OR book a call with me and we’ll set you up.