
Real conversations I’ve had with business owners about social media

The following are real conversations I’ve had with business owners about why they’re not on social media or why they don’t believe in it (Names have been withheld to protect the innocent LOL):

“No one is going to buy something just because they saw it on social media” (Yes they will – I do! And my clients’ clients & customers do!)

“You’re telling me a teenager with mommy’s credit card is going to care about this because they saw it on social media…?” (Yes, actually. Mine does. He buys off TikTok, he buys food he sees other users eating that fall within his macros – I see it in REAL TIME – And so does my credit card!)

“Social media is stupid and doesn’t work for me, never has never will” (You may not have had the right strategy… In fact I guarantee you did not have the right strategy in place. Perhaps your content hasn’t resonated yet – but you can test content until you find what resonates and double down on it. Maybe you’re not consistent – it’s hard to test content and find *your people* without testing. Perhaps you have good content but the next step – the paying step – is unclear. A strategist will help you find the holes in your leaky boat! And by leaky boat I mean your social media strategy. There are lots more variables, but someone -me- can help you with this!)

“I hate being on social media so we don’t do it” (Your ideal clients are on it – so even if you don’t like it, find someone who does and can help you do it – and do it well!)

“I don’t ‘get’ it” (That’s OK – I’ll show you! Or find someone like me. Well, no one is quite like me, but find someone who can help you if it isn’t me! šŸ™‚ )

“I don’t like being on video” (HEY ME NEITHER! I get it, I’ve been a behind-the-scenes person my whole life. But you’re just one decision away from being a whole different you. Plus – we can do faceless videos or find someone to be on video for you until you’re comfortable. Ps. When you post more, you feel more comfortable!)

“I can’t afford fancy equipment and I don’t know how to edit” (You dont need fancy equipment! I come from the land of TV news and my best performing content was shot on my phone. And still is! As for editing – there are so many simple apps out there like CapCut and InShot, however – one six-second shot with compelling text can go a long way! There are LOTS OF WORKAROUNDS for people who are not tech savvy.)

“It used to work but doesn’t anymore” (this is actually often true – you just need someone who is up on all the algorithm changes and trends within each platform. Often, it’s just teeny tiny tweaks and BOOM!!!!!)

“Fine I’ll be on it but I’m not going to do (insert x, y, or z)” – (Often we have preconceived notions about what will work and what won’t, or what you’ll look like to people or what people want. Having a social media strategist or coach who you can meet halfway – where they can show you what will be successful while you stay on-brand – can go a long way! And if they can see what needs improvement – try being open to it and trust the process! Trust me – they WANT you to succeed. They don’t want you to waste your money! AND – Their success is your success and VICE VERSA! When you find a person that can pull the magic out of you – it’s, well, MAGIC.)

“You only do well on social media if you run ads, it’s pay to play” (False! ORGANIC is still very much alive and well!!! Of course, there are exceptions since Meta – well – they just rolled out those new subscriptions that will boost posts into feeds and I can tell you right now – no one loves this concept and we will have to see what happens. You can read more about it here.) A good ad can work alongside your AWESOME ORGANIC STRATEGY and they can go hand-in-hand! But if you’re not running ads, GOOD ORGANIC, produced well, that’s genuine and MAKES PEOPLE FEEL THINGS, still does really well. I see it for myself every day.

If you haven’t had success on social media or if you’re struggling with it, I can take a look at it and show you why. I can also help you drill down your ideal audience and help you build content that will speak directly to them. You can grab my short masterclass on content creation here. And apply to work with me directly here!